Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wow! I Was Shocked!

Hello all,

As part of my daily ritual of checking out what is happening in the poker world, I like to read over what different bloggers and professionals have to say. By far one of the more entertaining (and frequently updated) blogs out there is by poker pro Daniel Negreanu.

Daniel's blog has great information regarding poker but, more often than not, he steps outside of the poker world and commentates on other things in his life. His post today (February 22nd) was particularly interesting on both subjects.

He started off with a tale of his poker travails of a few years ago, when he was still an up and coming poker player and not the recognized pro that he is now. While this was interesting, I was more surprised by (as he put it) his current feelings about playing and the entirety of the poker scheme, so to speak. Daniel states this on his blog, "I'm getting pretty sick of all things related to poker, that don't involve actually playing poker. This blog, the columns, the book writing, the internet forums, it's all getting really old, really fast."

Wow...this struck me pretty hard.

During these days of seemingly endless bad news, the writing CAN be a bit depressing. It seems every day brings another room leaving the U. S., people discussing their inability to get money out of poker accounts, and various new but untested methods of being able to partake in online poker. Not everyone lives within a short drive of a casino, thus the online game is enjoyable. If someone as high up on the poker food chain as Daniel can get down about it, it really makes you think.

Mind you, I'm not quitting writing about the sport of poker. I just have to find the way to continue to enjoy the writing and all. I guess Daniel did have one point right...there is a tremendous amount of joy in playing the game of poker. I'll just have to continue to pull that same joy when I write about things.

OK, enough bellyaching LOL!

The final table at the WSOP-C event at Harrah's Rincon is this afternoon, so I am going to be checking out the action. Gavin Smith, Gavin Grifin and Davidson Matthew will have quite a task in catching Peter Feldman (who won last year in New Orleans on the WSOP-C). But it will be interesting to see what happens.

Until later,


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Why Now?

Hello all,

With everything that has been happening in the poker world, the LAST question to ask is why anyone would start a poker blog, with the world of, at the minimum, online poker crashing?

Well, I'm here to answer that.

I have written about the poker world for over two years now. I have been inside the minds of many poker players and, to be honest, have many of them on my speed dial. I don't call them, mind you, because they have much more pressing matters than talking to me. I have sat at final tables that showed me more about the game than I ever learned. In 2005, I watched Freddy Deeb call down the eventual champion of the L. A. Poker Classic, Michael "The Grinder"Mizrachi, on a hand and defeat him. During the break, I ask him how he knew that Mizrachi had nothing and Freddy explained, "I just had a feel."

Well, feel is a part of it. I have also read most of the works that have come out, watched all the programs that have been on television, and sat at the tables watching everyone make the plays that they have. At last year's World Series, it was amazing how the gambling aspect has taken over the game.

In my course of writing, I have also been shut down on many articles I have written. And that is something that bothers me. In the after effects of the UIGEA, many sites have stated their ability to allow players to deposit, but many haven't been so clear on the successful players clearing out their accounts. That is something you'll see here soon.

The future of poker is something that is constantly being written and revised. Does the poker fan want the news or do they want the latest "US Weekly" or "The Star" view of the poker world? Or do they want to know what the people that play the game think and the real news that is going on, bereft of any "affiliate" ties?

For now, let me welcome you to a voice that is in the poker world and isn't going to shut out your thoughts. I welcome all comments and challenges and look forward to the poker world that we have.